Come as you are

Visitors and residents will always find a warm welcome at any of our services. Services are in English. Whatever your denominational background or nationality come and celebrate with us. Every Sunday at 11:00

All Saints, Anglican Church algarve

We are an Anglican Church (Gafcon) providing contemporary and relevant worship with strong Biblical teaching for the 21st Century. Visitors and residents will always find a warm welcome at any of our services. Services are at 11:00 (11 am) every Sunday. Directions are at the bottom of this page.
Our Faith Statement

All Saints Anglican Church follows a theological tradition, evangelical in emphasis.

We consider scripture to be God’s Word revealed to us. We affirm the authority of the Bible as a source of knowledge of God and a guide to doctrine, faith and Christian living; the majesty of Jesus Christ as the Saviour of sinful humanity; the guidance of the Holy Spirit; the need for personal conversion. We acknowledge and celebrate that as Christians we are all under grace.

Our Services

We celebrate God’s word, we take Holy Communion together, we enjoy singing God’s praise and learning from His word. Once a month (last Sunday of the month) we have a service of anointing and blessing with Holy Oil. Services are at 11:00 every Sunday. 

Traditional and contemporary

We follow the Anglican liturgy, with Holy Communion every Sunday

We sing God's praise

We use both traditional and contemporary hymns. Music is important and we love to sing


Whatever your denominational background, we have a warm welcome for everyone who acknowledges Jesus as their savior

We follow God's word

We believe that all who accept Christ are under His grace. We learn from Scripture how God's word will help us in our daily lives.

Bring the kids

Children of all ages are welcome. Our youngest congregation member is 4 years old. The eldest is 92. We have a welcome for all ages


Weddings & Marriage Blessings in the Algarve

The law in Portugal, as in most countries, requires that first a civil registration of your marriage takes place. The civil part can be done in your home country or in Portugal (though that involves more paperwork). Following that a wedding or blessing service may be in a Church or private home, beach location or hotel. Please ask a wedding planner for guidance of possible locations for your service.

Up coming events and services

Harvest Festival

We celebrate Harvest Festival this year on Sunday October 6th. Please bring gifts for the Altar, everything goes to Lagoa Social Services who will distribute to those in need. Visitors are very welcome.

Blessing with Holy Oil

On the last Sunday of the month we offer anointing and blessing with Holy Oil. Please come and join us if you would like to receive this special blessing

Bible study

Every Wednesday afternoon we meet on Zoom to discuss various topics from the Bible. The Bible is God’s word, so the more we learn the better we appreciate what God’s word has for us to learn. Please contact Bob Chesters by email if you would like to join us.